This evening a bullet point seems appropriate…
- 3:20 p.m. Monday afternoon left our house
- 6:15 p.m. left the gate at Philadelphia International Airport (Jen Hall and her family were on the same flight – an acquaintance from church)
- 7 hours later (lost all concept of time at this point) arrived at London Heathrow
- 4 hours later got on a plane headed for Nairobi, Kenya
- 9 hours later arrived in Nairobi
- 1.5 hours later got through the visa line at the airport (last ones off the plane... last one in a very long SLOW line)
- 1 hour later arrived at the Mayfield guest house and unloaded way too many bags. Ben was here as a kid and said it look exactly the same.
- 1 hour later the kids finally fell asleep at 12:30 a.m. (after waking everyone in the guest house –Max REALLY wanted to see “Africa” and was very disappointed that there were no exotic animals on our compound)
- 7 hours later woke up to the triangle bell… lovely breakfast and tea time (youth hostel style) interesting people to meet and funny travel stories to hear.
- 2 hours later went to orientation at the African Inland Mission Compound and randomly met up with a close family friend that knew Ben as a kid (Andi Propst)
- 4 hours later back to Mayfield for lunch and a nap
- 4 hours later to the grocery store to stock up on the staples for the month.
- 2 hours later back for dinner
- 2 hours later showers and bed time for the kids!!!
- Now… sipping a cup of tea in the den of a beautiful old African guest house, listening to Ray LaMontagne on my i-pod but pausing it every now and again to eavesdrop on adventures of other guests… REST!
In summary… It has been a LONG several hours since we left the states… we had a little bit of a rocky start (the kids were SOOO excited that they only slept an hour and a half on the first flight). But aside from that it has been relatively seamless, the kids didn’t seem to miss a beat, the tantrums weren't any more extreme than usual, travel has been easy and safe, we are tired but not exhausted, people have been gracious, kind and helped us in SO many ways, we are excited and energized to be here and looking forward to settling into our home and life and Kijabe. I can’t sleep…but what’s new! Thankful for unyielding grace and traveling mercies!
More pictures - I will be posting more pictures on facebook… I think it will be easier to download them there rather than on this page. We will have email access throughout the month -