Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Unfortunately the sweetest things about Africa – the things I would most like to capture on film/video are often things only for the memory… It would be a little bit awkward (and inappropriate) for me to stroll into church and start shooting pictures.

But… I wish more than anything I could share the joy in an African worship service. It is a humbling experience to sit in a building filled with people that appear to have so little… they know something I don’t understand. This past Sunday the sermon was on waiting for God… sitting among people that often wait for the most basic things (food, water, medicine, shelter) I was struck with how infrequently I wait for anything… and when I do have to wait (even in line at the grocery store) joy is not my natural inclination… I left feeling a bit convicted and longing for a large dose of patience.


  1. If you first ask permission of the pastor and get to know some of the people in the congregation, taking photos of them worshipping God may be easier than you think.

  2. esp. if you share the digital image on the back of your camera once you take it.

  3. wish we were back there with you guys! you need to find out if anyone goes down into the valley on sunday mornings to worship with the maasai. it's an unbelievable experience.

  4. Church was my absolute favorite thing about being in Zambia. It is an amazing and indescribably experience.

    Praying for you guys!!
